
Friday, July 27, 2012

Got Inspiration?

Have you ever just run out of inspiration and didn’t know where to turn?

  1. Be open at all times – the best inspiration finds you. (@ecyaj)
  2. The Bible. (@yclept_john, @flaimster, @sdatexas, @PreacherNorm, @kylemaxwell)
  3. Blogs like Zen Habits, Think Simple Now, Dumb Little Man. (@GentleLiving, @Imokon, and others)
  4. Poetry. (@Eusebius)
  5. When overwhelmed with thinking, I just need to clear everything out and focus. (@Imokon)
  6. Inner film. I close my eyes and start a movie projector in my head, and wait for the projected film to start. It always works. (@montjo)
  7. Pull out an Ansel Adams or Walker Evans book. Instant inspiration! (@OoffAhh)
  8. Music (@larudden, @Nexxion, and others) From @DannyLamas: “Music, always. Whether it’s motivational or creative inspiration.” From @ndsizemore: “Quick inspiration, for me, often comes from my music collection.”
  9. Large doses of silence. (@schizoidnix) Also, from @laughsoutloud: “I take the time to get quiet. Then it all flows.” And from @SpiritChaser126: “I quiet my mind and The Universe usually starts to show me exactly what I need to see throughout the day.”
  10. I look within. (@ksweeney253)


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