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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Don't get distracted!

4 ways to knock out the bulk of distractions

  1. Establish focus hours with your team (or company-wide) – chunks of time each day where everyone will allow everyone else to focus (that includes you). No inter-office communications unless it truly can’t wait. At JustSell, ours are from 9 am – 11 am and 2 pm – 4 pm (4 total hours a day). You’ll make mistakes occasionally and break focus hours but with commitment and reinforcement, everyone will benefit. If you’re really SalesTough (see below if you don’t know what this is) in order to minimize outside distractions, let your family and friends know your focus hours (and turn off your cell).
  2. Turn off email alerts and commit to checking it at the most minimal level you feel is possible for your particular sales world without having a negative impact on service. If you’re SalesTough, most of your inbound emails are probably important but still don’t need attention for at least an hour (if not longer). Be truthful with yourself and set your interval so everyone wins. If you can set only two or three specific times a day to respond to email, do it. (See below for what we learned by checking it only 3 times a day.) Consider having an auto-responder that let’s people know when you address your email (e.g., "Thanks for your note. I usually check my email three times daily (8:30 am, 11:30 am, 4:30 pm). If you need me immediately, please call my cell/ assistant/ office line.)."
  3. Turn off instant messaging services unless your work absolutely requires it to get the job done. Having to phone someone or talk with them live (by visiting them) will make you more aware and respectful of someone else’s time (and yours).
  4. Avoid the web during money hours unless you absolutely need it for your work. The distractions are endlessly wonderful for those who’d prefer to avoid making good things happen (which of course, isn’t your goal). If you must open a browser during the money hours (or focus hours), make sure your home page is something that doesn’t have the potential to encourage you down destruction distraction road (e.g., news or email sites, personalized pages, etc.). Search and discover outside your money hours or at lunch.

Monday, July 30, 2012

How do ideas comes to life?

Tips for Success

1. Have passion for your business Work should be fun. Your passion will help you overcome difficult moments and persuade people to work for you and want to do business with you. Passion can't be taught. When it wanes, as it surely will in difficult times, take some quiet time. Whether it be an hour or a week, take inventory of all the reasons you started the business and why you like being your own boss. That should renew your passion.
2. Set an example of trustworthiness People have confidence in trustworthy individuals and want to work for them in a culture of integrity. The same is true for customers.
3. Be flexible, except with core values It's a given that your plans and strategies will change as time goes on. This flexibility for rapid change is an inherent advantage of small over large business. However, no matter the pressure for immediate profits, do not compromise on core values.
4. Don't let fear of failure hold you back Failure is an opportunity to learn. All things being equal, venture capitalists would rather invest money in an individual who tried and failed founding a company than in someone who never tried.
5. Make timely decisions
It's okay to use your intuition. Planning and thought are good. But procrastination leads to missed opportunity.
6. The major company asset is you Take care of yourself. Your health is more valuable than the most expensive machinery or computer software for the company. You don't have to choose between your family or your company, play or work. Maintain your health for balance and energy, which will, in turn, enhance your mental outlook.
7. Keep your ego under control Don't take profits and spend them on expensive toys to impress others. Build a war chest for unexpected needs or opportunities. This also means hearing out new ideas and suggestions no matter how crazy they sound.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Got Inspiration?

Have you ever just run out of inspiration and didn’t know where to turn?

  1. Be open at all times – the best inspiration finds you. (@ecyaj)
  2. The Bible. (@yclept_john, @flaimster, @sdatexas, @PreacherNorm, @kylemaxwell)
  3. Blogs like Zen Habits, Think Simple Now, Dumb Little Man. (@GentleLiving, @Imokon, and others)
  4. Poetry. (@Eusebius)
  5. When overwhelmed with thinking, I just need to clear everything out and focus. (@Imokon)
  6. Inner film. I close my eyes and start a movie projector in my head, and wait for the projected film to start. It always works. (@montjo)
  7. Pull out an Ansel Adams or Walker Evans book. Instant inspiration! (@OoffAhh)
  8. Music (@larudden, @Nexxion, and others) From @DannyLamas: “Music, always. Whether it’s motivational or creative inspiration.” From @ndsizemore: “Quick inspiration, for me, often comes from my music collection.”
  9. Large doses of silence. (@schizoidnix) Also, from @laughsoutloud: “I take the time to get quiet. Then it all flows.” And from @SpiritChaser126: “I quiet my mind and The Universe usually starts to show me exactly what I need to see throughout the day.”
  10. I look within. (@ksweeney253)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Get Your Life on Track

he first step is to take stock. Draw a circle and divide it into eight pie wedges. Label each wedge with an area of your life—money, career, physical environment (of your home and/or your office), personal growth, friends & family, significant other, health, fun/creativity.Now, think about the level of satisfaction you’re experiencing in each area. Are you at the center of the circle at “0” (no satisfaction) or the outer edge of the circle at “10” (total satisfaction) or somewhere in between? Draw a line in each wedge to indicate your response. If you’re a creative type, you can color in the area between the new line and the center of the circle. Here’s a sample completed Wheel of Life:
Once you’ve scored your level of satisfaction in each area, take a look at the new circle you created. Just imagine riding around on that wheel! A bit bumpy, isn’t it?
Well, relax. The goal isn’t to create a smooth wheel. Life is too short to reach for unattainable perfection. We’re looking for maximum impact in a short amount of time.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

4 ways to knock out the bulk of distractions

  1. Establish focus hours with your team (or company-wide) – chunks of time each day where everyone will allow everyone else to focus (that includes you). No inter-office communications unless it truly can’t wait. At JustSell, ours are from 9 am – 11 am and 2 pm – 4 pm (4 total hours a day). You’ll make mistakes occasionally and break focus hours but with commitment and reinforcement, everyone will benefit. If you’re really SalesTough (see below if you don’t know what this is) in order to minimize outside distractions, let your family and friends know your focus hours (and turn off your cell).
  2. Turn off email alerts and commit to checking it at the most minimal level you feel is possible for your particular sales world without having a negative impact on service. If you’re SalesTough, most of your inbound emails are probably important but still don’t need attention for at least an hour (if not longer). Be truthful with yourself and set your interval so everyone wins. If you can set only two or three specific times a day to respond to email, do it. (See below for what we learned by checking it only 3 times a day.) Consider having an auto-responder that let’s people know when you address your email (e.g., "Thanks for your note. I usually check my email three times daily (8:30 am, 11:30 am, 4:30 pm). If you need me immediately, please call my cell/ assistant/ office line.)."
  3. Turn off instant messaging services unless your work absolutely requires it to get the job done. Having to phone someone or talk with them live (by visiting them) will make you more aware and respectful of someone else’s time (and yours).
  4. Avoid the web during money hours unless you absolutely need it for your work. The distractions are endlessly wonderful for those who’d prefer to avoid making good things happen (which of course, isn’t your goal). If you must open a browser during the money hours (or focus hours), make sure your home page is something that doesn’t have the potential to encourage you down destruction distraction road (e.g., news or email sites, personalized pages, etc.). Search and discover outside your money hours or at lunch.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

So what do you your marketing plans look like for the next year?

So what do you your marketing plans look like for the next year? If you’re like the majority of small- to medium-sized businesses, they include putting together a mobile marketing campaign and making your move onto those smaller (but increasingly profitable) screens. And if they don’t, well, maybe they should!

It’s worth noting that even the marketers currently putting off mobile know they have only have a short window where they’ll be able to ignore this trend. The world and the market are becoming increasingly mobile-reliant. If you want your customers to be able to find you, your business must go where they are. And they’re on the move.
There’s no getting around it.
For businesses already investing in the mobile revolution, 70 percent are doing so with mobile Web sites; 55 percent are building mobile applications; and surprisingly, nearly 50 percent have experimented with QR codes.

 But, again, even these business owners know they can’t ignore mobile forever, with 64 percent saying they plan to spend more in mobile marketing this year. They’re motivated to get involved by the ability to provide better service to existing customers, attract more local customers, and gain a competitive advantage.

Monday, July 23, 2012

The Rules of Success

1. Set Goals that Motivate You

When you set goals for yourself, it is important that they motivate you: this means making sure that they are important to you, and that there is value in achieving them. If you have little interest in the outcome, or they are irrelevant given the larger picture, then the chances of you putting in the work to make them happen are slim. Motivation is key to achieving goals.
Set goals that relate to the high priorities in your life. Without this type of focus, you can end up with far too many goals, leaving you too little time to devote to each one. Goal achievement requires commitment, so to maximize the likelihood of success, you need to feel a sense of urgency and have an "I must do this" attitude. When you don't have this, you risk putting off what you need to do to make the goal a reality. This in turn leaves you feeling disappointed and frustrated with yourself, both of which are de-motivating. And you can end up in a very destructive "I can't do anything or be successful at anything" frame of mind.

2. Set SMART Goals

You have probably heard of "SMART goals" already. But do you always apply the rule? The simple fact is that for goals to be powerful, they should be designed to be SMART. There are many variations of what SMART stands for, but the essence is this – goals should be:
  • Specific.
  • Measurable.
  • Attainable.
  • Relevant.
  • Time Bound.
Set Specific Goals
You goal must be clear and well defined. Vague or generalized goals are unhelpful because they don't provide sufficient direction. Remember, you need goals to show you the way. Make it as easy as you can to get where you want to go by defining precisely where you want to end up.
Set Measurable Goals
Include precise amounts, dates, and so on in your goals so you can measure your degree of success. If your goal is simply defined as "To reduce expenses" how will you know when you have been successful? In one month's time if you have a 1 percent reduction or in two years' time when you have a 10 percent reduction? Without a way to measure your success you miss out on the celebration that comes with knowing you have actually achieved something.
Set Attainable Goals
Make sure that it's possible to achieve the goals you set. If you set a goal that you have no hope of achieving, you will only demoralize yourself and erode your confidence.
However, resist the urge to set goals that are too easy. Accomplishing a goal that you didn't have to work hard for can be anticlimactic at best, and can also make you fear setting future goals that carry a risk of non-achievement. By setting realistic yet challenging goals, you hit the balance you need. These are the types of goals that require you to "raise the bar" and they bring the greatest personal satisfaction.
Set Relevant Goals
Goals should be relevant to the direction you want your life and career to take. By keeping goals aligned with this, you'll develop the focus you need to get ahead and do what you want. Set widely scattered and inconsistent goals, and you'll fritter your time – and your life – away.
Set Time-Bound Goals
You goals must have a deadline. Again, this means that you know when you can celebrate success. When you are working on a deadline, your sense of urgency increases and achievement will come that much quicker.

3. Set Goals in Writing

The physical act of writing down a goal makes it real and tangible. You have no excuse for forgetting about it. As you write, use the word "will" instead of "would like to" or "might." For example, "I will reduce my operating expenses by 10 percent this year," not "I would like to reduce my operating expenses by 10 percent this year." The first goal statement has power and you can "see" yourself reducing expenses, the second lacks passion and gives you an excuse if you get sidetracked.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Tips for Business Success

1. Have passion for your business Work should be fun. Your passion will help you overcome difficult moments and persuade people to work for you and want to do business with you. Passion can't be taught. When it wanes, as it surely will in difficult times, take some quiet time. Whether it be an hour or a week, take inventory of all the reasons you started the business and why you like being your own boss. That should renew your passion.
2. Set an example of trustworthiness People have confidence in trustworthy individuals and want to work for them in a culture of integrity. The same is true for customers.
3. Be flexible, except with core values It's a given that your plans and strategies will change as time goes on. This flexibility for rapid change is an inherent advantage of small over large business. However, no matter the pressure for immediate profits, do not compromise on core values.
4. Don't let fear of failure hold you back Failure is an opportunity to learn. All things being equal, venture capitalists would rather invest money in an individual who tried and failed founding a company than in someone who never tried.
5. Make timely decisions
It's okay to use your intuition. Planning and thought are good. But procrastination leads to missed opportunity.
6. The major company asset is you Take care of yourself. Your health is more valuable than the most expensive machinery or computer software for the company. You don't have to choose between your family or your company, play or work. Maintain your health for balance and energy, which will, in turn, enhance your mental outlook.
7. Keep your ego under control Don't take profits and spend them on expensive toys to impress others. Build a war chest for unexpected needs or opportunities. This also means hearing out new ideas and suggestions no matter how crazy they sound.
8. Believe
You need to believe in yourself, in your company, and that you will be successful. This confidence is contagious with your employees, customers, stakeholders, suppliers and everyone you deal with.
9. Encourage and accept criticism graciously. Admit your mistakes. You need to constantly work on convincing your employees that it's OK — even necessary —to state their honest opinions even it if conflicts with the boss's opinion. Just stating it once or putting it in a mission statement won't cut it for most people.
10. Maintain a strong work ethic Your employees will follow your lead. It will also help you beat your competition by outworking them, particularly when your product or service is very similar.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

SEO anyone can understand

The main goal of SEO ( search engine optimization) is to make your presence known to search engines, to make your website more relevant and boost up in the rankings. We want the website to be the first link they see when a user is searching for products that you sell, or information that you provide. I’ve learned the main tools for this are content, code, links, and social media.

Google and other search engines scan the content in your website to see what is relevant and how valuable it is. This is all based on how much content you have, and what it relates to. The more text and descriptions about your website, the better.

Links are very important as well. If there are other more “authoritative” websites linking to your website, search engines see that and that makes your website more relevant. Links also drive traffic to your website, and are a great way to up your numbers in ranking on Google. Posting links to your website from your blog, social media status, or as comments on other websites is always a good idea.

 Social Media  are really great tools for brand awareness. You can gain followers, people comment on your posts, and your posts can link to your website and it’s a necessity this day in age to drive traffic to your website.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Louis Vuitton “100 Legendary Trunks” iPad App

Founded back in 1854, Parisian fashion giant Louis Vuitton is set to release Louis Vuitton: 100 Legendary Trunks – a hardcover book highlighting its foundation as a luggage company and its most iconic piece, the trianon canvas-covered flat-bottom trunk. To coincide with the book’s release, the brand has developed an iPad app of the same name, giving users a detailed look behind 100 exceptional trunks. With the book due to hit retailers next week, the “100 Legendary Trunks” iPad app is now available via iTunes.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Want to be on the first page of Google?

SEO is such a hot topic these days. How do you get your web site within the first page or two of the search engines? How do you increase your Google page rank?

There are companies who dedicate themselves full time to doing SEO at a pretty penny. Something a lot of people can’t necessarily afford to pay for or spend the time on.

However, there are some simple things you can do when building your site that will help increase your chances of having good results.

We GURANTEE First page of GOOGLE after 90 days. Contact Us

Friday, July 13, 2012

Failure defeats losers, failure inspires winners

The entrepreneurial experience can be a lot of things: exhilarating, liberating, and, alas, tiring.
I'm Mary, and I'm a Workaholic
An entrepreneur explains how she learned to live with her all-consuming addiction -- company building.

Taking Time to Rejuvenate

How To Go on Vacation
Here's how to take a vacation, and relax while you're away.
The Well-Balanced Life
It turns out that a better life can lead to a better business. Inc. suggests three paths to getting more out of each.
The One-Day Rest Cure
A day of rest may be exactly what you need to revitalize your business and your life. In this article, read about one entrepreneur who takes time out to keep her life in balance.
Help! My Business's Schedule Is Ruining My Personal Life!
Business commitments can quickly encroach on your personal calendar. Giving yourself personal comp time can ease the pressures of work. 
Monster Lo Carb Energy Drink - 24/16 oz. - Energy 
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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Private Swiming Lessons

Why is your internet presence importatnt?

Internet marketing describes marketing and advertising efforts that utilize the Web along with e-mail to operate a way direct income via e-commerce in addition to sales brings from Internet sites or e-mail. Internet marketing also describes the placement of media along various stages of the customer through search engine marketing, search engine optimization, banner ads on specific web sites, email advertising and marketing, etc.

There are numerous types of service regarding Internet marketing including blog, e-mail marketing, displaying promoting banner and others. It is based on the sort of products or perhaps quality of a business. Internet marketing helps a person to grow a company’s reputation.

In this modern day of technology everybody is depending on internet. Everyone needs to know about newest and latest things. And they began to research this issue on internet and easily find that. Every company or organization wishes to spread their company’s name to the people. When a new website created they need to give advertisements to other’s website to get visitors to their website. Whenever a new service or product created the company advertise their product as well as its outline through internet. Internet advertising and marketing is low-priced when evaluating the percentage of cost to the reach of the target audience. Companies may reach an extensive audience for a small fraction of traditional promoting budgets. These help consumers to analyze and to buy services conveniently.

The people who are engaged in internet marketing manipulate some method to achieve more visitors for that advertising web page. One of the best ways to obtain visitors is online earning method. Whenever a visitor perceives or clicks while on an ad it may help to earn some funds. This is actually way to attract the visitors for an advertisement company. The outcome campaigns may be measured along with tracked quickly because online marketing initiatives normally require customers to visit an advertisement, to go to a website, in order to perform a new targeted activity.

One of the challenges in which internet areas face is that lots of internet items are downright scams or perhaps promoted together with deception rendering it difficult to find out what you are buying. This is especially the situation with products which might be supposing to train or aid affiliate marketers in creating wealth. While a products offer improved previously little a long time, ethics is still often lacking in website marketing. Many so-called profitable products are "empty boxes" through which there is actually nothing at this time there yet a new buyer is always to make dollars by selling this clear box in order to others. Pyramid schemes will also be still common. Marketer aren't going to be able to work with the personal effect factor/human effect factor in order to influence this audience for the reason that marketing is completely while using advertisement along with the information which the advertisement might lead to.
Video advertising and marketing is informative then a blog about a product. Some promoting company offers commission to the current visitors in order to get some new readers to that web page. New items information may be e-mailed to several people.

Internet marketing utilizes various things on the web advertisements to operate vehicle traffic to an advertiser's web page. Banner ads, pay every click and targeted mailing lists are often methods utilized in Internet marketing to create the almost all value to the advertiser. Internet marketing is often a growing business since a lot more people use internet every time.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing is a type of Internet marketing that concerns the campaign of sites by growing their presence in search results pages through optimization and also through advertising and marketing.

Depending on the context, Search Engine Marketing  is an umbrella phrase for various way of marketing an internet site including search engine marketing, which adjusts its or rewrites web page content to achieve a higher ranking in search results pages, or perhaps it will contrast with PPC, working on only settled components. SEM could be the wider willpower that contains SEO. SEM involves both paid Google search and organic Google search. SEM uses paid advertising with Advertising Words or Microsoft adCenter, pay per click marketing, article articles, advertising and making certain SEO has become done. A keyword analysis is performed for equally SEO and SEM, but not really as well. SEM and SEO both ought to be monitored and updated often to indicate evolving best practices.

Search engine marketing is cheaper and cost-effective within the conventional marketing methods. No initialization cost is usually to be made for marketing a brand name via the internet. Even in the case of paid list, the value of these kinds of deployment is still much lesser as opposed to various campaigns conducted for business improvement. Traffic directed through yahoo and Google have better knowledge about the different process and products it’s seeking. So the conversion relation of visitor-to-customer is full of online strategy. Advertisements of this business are usually shown merely to the audience and that is already sharp on such service. As internet features reached lots, viability of affiliate marketing sounds possible. Number of internet users has been increasing on an ongoing basis in past decade which has given rise to a different form connected with marketing known as viral marketing. More internet users mean far more searches and even more potential customers to a target. Pay-per-click or paid list etc. are a number of the premium marketing strategies which often requires several initial expense so improve the visibility from the web-site. Each one has their very own advantages including pay-per-click service only takes the payment through the client in the event the link from the company is usually clicked. Paid list places the link for the company on the top of the search outcome page for the keyword coordinating the context from the service.

The success or failure rate connected with marketing tactics deployed for business development can be tracked effortlessly. Even if multiple marketing campaigns are implemented simultaneously, the effects from each can be tracked individually. Online analytic instruments and saving tools makes it easy for this company development manager to analyze its affect on the organization regarding business, company awareness and many others.
Search engine marketing allows businesses to acquire noticed inside long directory different companies inside same category of business. Links located higher or on top of search power plant results get the highest attention inside search benefits and because of this, businesses indulge themselves in search engine marketing. Search power plant marketing is usually achieved through various search engine marketing techniques, paid listings as well as other related companies which raise the exposure of the web-site so that you can gain high volume of traffic.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Declutter Your Life

One of my favorite ways to tackle clutter is in a huge surge — set aside a weekend, for example, and take on as much as you can, one room at a time.
Clear your schedule for a day or two. Get some boxes and trash bags. Get excited.
Let’s say you start with your bedroom. Pick one area of the bedroom — one flat surface, such as a shelf, the top of your dresser, a drawer, the floor of your closet. Clear that flat surface, putting everything into a pile.
Then sort, making quick decisions. Take the top item from the pile — it doesn’t matter what it is, and no avoiding certain items. Just pick up the first item in the pile. Make a quick decision to place this item in one of three piles:
  1. Keep pile — for stuff you’ve used in the last 6 months and absolutely need and love.
  2. Donate pile — to donate to charity, give to family/friends, or recycle.
  3. Maybe pile — try not to use this pile if you can avoid it, but it’s for ones you absolutely can’t decide on. Put these things into a box, with today’s date, then put it into storage. If you don’t need anything in that box for six months, you can confidently get rid of it.
When you’re done sorting, put the things in the keep pile back, neatly. Where you place them is now their “home” — you should always put them in that spot. Put the donate pile into a box to donate to charity, perhaps setting some items aside to give to friends. Recycle the items that aren’t good enough to be reused.
Now go through the next flat surface — drawer, shelf, space on the floor, etc. Do it one are at a time until the entire room is done. This could take hours, but it can be a lot of fun. When the room is done, you should feel great. Celebrate. Move on to another room if you still have time and energy — otherwise, plan another surge session.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Platic Scoopers out of Jugs

Another fun find on Facebook. I love these simple photo-based project how-tos that are starting to show up on FB and G+ with increased frequency. The chocolate bowl I posted a few days ago has gotten a lot of attention and makers trying it out. If you try any of these quick n’ dirty hacks you see here, or you spot some especially clever ones on Facebook and G+ (or elsewhere), please send them to us.

The Chopin Sofas

The CThe Chopin Sofa adds beautiful asymmetry to any minimalist’s living room. With fairly clean, sloping lines and an angled back rest, the piece by Polish designer Tomek Rygalik also proves versatile. It can be arranged as a standard sofa, or adapted into an armchair and chaise lounge configuration. The contemporary piece comes in bold crimson or matte black, exclusively produced by Polish furniture makers Comforty.

Friday, July 6, 2012

What your social media strtegist should know

Yes, promoting your business on social media has become imperative. However, without understanding the skill involved in social media communication, you could push away consumers faster than you think.

Few basics like:
• Which platform will be conducive for your business?
• Are you clear about the target audience and the best catchment source online?
• Do you have the clear idea of content that often engage the audience?
• Are you spending more time talking about yourself instead of Learning to Listening?
• Are you sharing enough content for making interest?

Thursday, July 5, 2012

The first IKEA TV

Swedish home furnishing juggernaut IKEA join the technological big boys in vying for your television affections. IKEA’s slightly more budget-friendly price point once again caters for the mass market. Surely the Uppleva will feature in many households in the coming days, alongside the rest of its chic affordable DIY furniture. The Uppleva is a Wi-Fi-ready smart TV with an LED-backlit display, full 1080p HD resolution, 400Hz response time, and it boasts all standard compatibility features including USB and HDMI ports. It’s a surprisingly capable and complete media center with built-in Blu-ray/DVD/CD player, a 2.1 surround sound system, and extra nooks for tucking away cables and discs – typical of the lifestyle solution provider. The IKEA TV will be released to select European markets this month as it hopes to define a new segment of designer household electronics.