
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How to Succeed in Business

You would think that the all important question of how to go about succeeding in business would be answered in the pricey universities you attended. However, the real elements that help you succeed in business are to be learn't via experience, or by paying attention to the lives of veterans and actually listening to their personal tales apart from the amazing statistics of their successful companies.
1.       Knowing yourself
Often, youngsters are dazzled by the promise of making money and jump into entrepreneurship without taking a moment to ask themselves if they are cut out for the job. Take the time to introspect and determine if your attitude, emotional strength and mindset are conductive to being an entrepreneur – if you are a leader, are self reliant and can afford to pay for your mistakes without the security of a monthly pay cheque.
2.       Research
Never underestimate the power of knowledge. Besides gorging on books on the industry concerned, also interview those working in the sector to be aware of the practical challenges that you may face. It is important that you truly understand the nature of your sector. Analyze your target audience and see if you can find uncatered needs that you can address, and study market trends to ensure that the iron is still hot.
3.       Discipline
Business, whether run on a large scale or from home, calls for a lot of hard work. You need to be diligent at the desk and on the field, and keeping distractions at bay is vital. It is very easy for one to be pulled off the road by something that seems extremely important at a glance, but is without mettle when tested. Schedule your time and religiously stick to it.
4.       Know Your Numbers
Having an objective and imaginative mind that conceptualizes big is definitely a boon. But if the same mind is incapable of crunching numbers, it becomes a problem. If you simply can’t understand numbers, don’t despair, you can hire someone to make the numbers work for you. However, functional knowledge of accounts and economics is required to avoid being conned or mislead.
5.       Persistence
Success does not knock on your door the day you set up a business. Hurdles will continue to meet you on your path and sometimes they may seem insurmountable. The making of a good entrepreneur and a tale of successful business, both are created only when you are persistent in your efforts, refusing to bow down to circumstances or otherwise lose hope and accept defeat.
6.       Leadership
As the founder of a business, the first role you play is that of a leader. Being a smart entrepreneur is secondary when compared with the importance of being a leader, motivating your colleagues, believing in yourself and instilling faith in your co-workers. To be able to create a successful business that holds its own against competition and becomes your vehicle to self actualization, you need to evoke the leadership skills in you.


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