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Friday, June 29, 2012

Coolest Bike Ever

In addition to their smart Fortwo at the Geneva Motorshow 2012, German tuner BRABUS and Smart have also dropped a matching two-wheeler. The Smart BRABUS e-bike has a 500-watt hub motor (double that of a regular smart bike’s) and it weighs more than ten percent less to boast an expected top speed exceeding 25mph. The bike features a fitted four-piston brake system on its front wheel, weight-optimized cranks and pedals, a carbon fiber seatpost, striking green leather grips and saddle, Sport Contact tires, and matte black four-spoke carbon fiber wheels. It also comes with a custom-made iPhone holder and the BionX PL500 system which can be used with or without the throttle. With the throttle grip, the rider chooses from four power levels the degree of electrical assistance desired. Without it, pedal assist automatically pumps in power to increase the rider’s natural rhythm. This high-performance bike also makes use of regenerative braking.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Check out the great deals Support Unions

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Call Today For a free Consultation!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

How to Succeed in Business

You would think that the all important question of how to go about succeeding in business would be answered in the pricey universities you attended. However, the real elements that help you succeed in business are to be learn't via experience, or by paying attention to the lives of veterans and actually listening to their personal tales apart from the amazing statistics of their successful companies.
1.       Knowing yourself
Often, youngsters are dazzled by the promise of making money and jump into entrepreneurship without taking a moment to ask themselves if they are cut out for the job. Take the time to introspect and determine if your attitude, emotional strength and mindset are conductive to being an entrepreneur – if you are a leader, are self reliant and can afford to pay for your mistakes without the security of a monthly pay cheque.
2.       Research
Never underestimate the power of knowledge. Besides gorging on books on the industry concerned, also interview those working in the sector to be aware of the practical challenges that you may face. It is important that you truly understand the nature of your sector. Analyze your target audience and see if you can find uncatered needs that you can address, and study market trends to ensure that the iron is still hot.
3.       Discipline
Business, whether run on a large scale or from home, calls for a lot of hard work. You need to be diligent at the desk and on the field, and keeping distractions at bay is vital. It is very easy for one to be pulled off the road by something that seems extremely important at a glance, but is without mettle when tested. Schedule your time and religiously stick to it.
4.       Know Your Numbers
Having an objective and imaginative mind that conceptualizes big is definitely a boon. But if the same mind is incapable of crunching numbers, it becomes a problem. If you simply can’t understand numbers, don’t despair, you can hire someone to make the numbers work for you. However, functional knowledge of accounts and economics is required to avoid being conned or mislead.
5.       Persistence
Success does not knock on your door the day you set up a business. Hurdles will continue to meet you on your path and sometimes they may seem insurmountable. The making of a good entrepreneur and a tale of successful business, both are created only when you are persistent in your efforts, refusing to bow down to circumstances or otherwise lose hope and accept defeat.
6.       Leadership
As the founder of a business, the first role you play is that of a leader. Being a smart entrepreneur is secondary when compared with the importance of being a leader, motivating your colleagues, believing in yourself and instilling faith in your co-workers. To be able to create a successful business that holds its own against competition and becomes your vehicle to self actualization, you need to evoke the leadership skills in you.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Do you know how to make money with clickbank?

How To Make Money With Clickbank – Basic Steps

  1. Create A Sign Up On Clickbank – If you are a starter and don’t know how to make money with Click bank, you will have to create a sign up on Click bank at first. Just provide all the details correctly in the sign up form otherwise you could not log into the member’s area and have access to the products on Click bank.
  2. Choose Which Click Bank Products You Would Promote – You can make a choice from more than nine categories of products. A great variety of Click bank products such as PC software, and electronics will be at your fingertips and you should select the product that has great demand in the niche market and you can use its promotion to earn easy money in real time. Nothing can be so smart and effective like Click bank to make money very fast.
  3. Select And Target The Most Important Keywords – Make sure that you have not chosen very competitive keywords for Click bank product promotion as it might consume most of your time to earn ranking and money as well. Envision which keywords the common visitors would like to search and try to target them for maximum result. In this way, you will be able to achieve ranking for the targeted terms very fast and make money very easily.
  4. Create A Free Landing Page And Link It Up With Clickbank Sales Page – You can select a squidoo lense or a blogger platform to build a free and professional landing page containing some of the promoted product information and directly link it up with Clickbank product sales page. The vendor not only keeps track of all those clicks on your affiliate link that are converting into sales, but also pays you a nice commission on each of these sales leads
  5. Generate Maximum Possible Traffic Through The Landing Page – By using a solid marketing strategy including blog posting, article submission, bookmarking and other popular methods, you can produce maximum possible traffic through the landing page. If the volume of generated traffic is high, you can expect to earn more money in commission.
  6. Regularly Check Your Marketing Methods – This is the vital process for making sure that you have a nice income using the platform of Clickbank. Just check out the exact number of visitors coming through the submitted articles, their relevancy and worth and your landing page click through rate. It would help you estimate how productive your sales and marketing approach on Clickbank is.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I lovet this stuff

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Dont ruin your Career

1. My self-worth is based on what others think of me.
Some people define themselves based upon how they guess their boss, co-workers, relatives and friends see them. When they are convinced that others think poorly of them, such people lack the self-confidence necessary to consistently take action.
2. My past equals my future.
When some people experience a series of setbacks, they assume that their goals are not achievable. Over time, they become dispirited and discouraged, and avoid situations where failure is a risk.  Because any significant effort entails risk, such people are then unable to make significant achievements.
3. My destiny is controlled by the supernatural.
Some people believe that their status in life–or even their potential as a human being–is determined by luck, fate, or divine intervention.  This all-too-common (and ultimately silly) belief robs such people of initiative, making them passive as they wait for their "luck" to change.
4. My emotions accurately reflect objective reality.
Some people believe that their emotions are caused by external events. In truth, though emotions are determined by the perception of those events, combined with preconceptions about what those events mean. Such people find it difficult or impossible to "get out of their own heads" and see situations from another person's viewpoint.
5. My goal is to be perfect or do something perfectly. 
Because perfection is unattainable, the people who seek it are simply setting themselves up for disappointment. Perfectionists blame the world (and everything in it) rather than doing what's necessary to accomplish extraordinary results.  That's why "successful perfectionist" is an oxymoron.

Monday, June 18, 2012

I'll just do it myself

We have all experienced it in our small business, time is tight and a crucial task must get done. You have explained it (you thought) to an employee but the task is not getting done. Or worse, it is not done the way that you want it done. In order to cope with the frustration, you decide that it is just easier to do it yourself. Then, you wonder why you are working 16 hour days, staying longer than any employee.
I am sure that most of you have been in this situation on many occasions. The problem is that if you can’t find a way out of it, not only will you continue to work those long hours, but it will be very hard to grow your business. You just can’t do everything yourself! What to do? Here are three ideas that may help: concentrate on your strengths and delegate your weaknesses, document well any process that you will delegate, outsource any business process that is not in your businesses’ core competencies.
Concentrate on your strengths and delegate your weaknesses. We are all better at some things than others. Some of us are detailed oriented and well organized, while others work well with the overall themes and direction of a company. The former will probably be better at operations and the latter at setting strategy and guiding marketing campaigns. One of the keys here is to completely honest with about what you do and don’t do well. It is hard to assess yourself by yourself, so don’t be afraid to call on a trusted advisor to help.
A useful exercise when you are trying to determine your role in your company is to create a diagram of the “buckets” or areas of work that you do. You might be surprised by what you find! Once all of your buckets are defined and the activities they include are outlined, you can review more objectively what you are good at and what might be delegate. Doing this exercise with a trusted advisor will add to the depth of understanding that you may gain.
Document any process that you will delegate. Since you have created most of the processes in your company, you know it really well. However, our tendency is to assume that when we explain a process to another, they will catch the nuances without a great deal of detail. I once helped a business owner that thought that a 15 minute explanation of a process that had been honed over several years was all that was necessary. Proper documentation, including the steps of the process, perhaps a diagram of the process flow and a list of the meaning of the terms used form the basics.
There are many useful tools to use when documenting process. Personally, I like to use the different tools that originated in lean concepts are helpful.
Outsource any process that is not among your company’s core competencies. In a small company that is starting to grow, there are many processes that are not among the core competencies. As the company grows, it becomes harder to perform some of these processes with internal staff that are not specialized. Payroll, human resources and benefits come to mind for many companies.
Using these three ideas can help you delegate work more effectively and find more time for yourself.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Local is HOT

Local search is hot.  Apparently 2012 is The Year of Local according to National Advertisers

Google says 97% of consumers search for local businesses online. Wow! But what about the other 3%? Do they ever leave their houses?

Google just revamped their whole local search business to embed it in Google+, so something must be going on around here and maybe they are after that other 3%.

If you ask me, I’ll whisper that local is pretty hot right now mostly because global is passé and people want their technology to be more relevant for their everyday local lives. This represents a huge opportunity for local business. I have a tendency to believe Google’s stats too because I always search for products online first before checking anywhere else. I never go to the yellow pages and hardly ever pay attention to the junk mail which I use to line the bottom of my parrot’s cage.


Thursday, June 14, 2012

The Transparent Desktop

The Transparent Desktop

You just take a shot of what’s behind your screen and make it your desktop background. And yes, I’ve tried it, and yes, it’s more difficult than it looks to get it just right, especially if you don’t have a laptop. It’s all about the fold-down screen.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Starting a small business

It does not matter if your business venture is big or small – the amount of hard work that goes into establishing a note-worthy business is the same. The preliminary round to starting a business is to ask yourself why you wish to do it. If the answer is solely to earn “big cash” or because that is what is expected of you, you may want to sit back and rethink your strategy. Nothing but passion for your work, directly or indirectly associated with your business, can help you get through the vortex of work a start-up calls for.
Survey your local market to identify lacking or lagging elements, needs to be met. This will furnish you with ideas, and provide direction to further efforts. Locate resources that are to be brought together to realize your idea of a business. Many infantile businesses have collapsed for lack of funds. Therefore, a ballpark figure of the start-up fund required must be gauged from research of the industry of your choice and the requirements of your target audience. Do not plan only till the launching of your business. Since an initial lukewarm response to your products or services is a rational possibility, space out funds to tide you through the first two months of business as well.
 Chart out a plan of action. This is the most important part of your project. You are aware of the funds at hand, the output to be generated and the time frame by which this must be accomplished. Drafting a plan of action with all the diverse elements involved will also help raise funds for the project, as well as serve as a referral to gauge progress.
Location hunting is the next major hurdle to tackle. Properties in prime area of urban areas cost a fortune, and are extremely hard to find. Scour your locality or the region where your target audience resides and try to observe movement to ascertain the foot-fall on the streets. Setting up shop in a visible location accounts for a considerable part of the rate of success. Being tucked away in the backstreets spells doom for a new business.
Second only to the importance of a prime location is the name and logo of a business. The creativity and the relevance of a name to the industry it is a part of, and the products / services extended by it speak of quality. A well named business that is easily registered in the minds of consumers is more successful than a badly or complexly named one. Arguably more important than the name of a company is the logo. Pictures draw attention faster than words, and an attractive logo that catches the interest of a passerby will encourage him to pay attention to the business too.
Now that location, name, logo and subject are at hand, it is time to acquire all the necessary permits and licenses to provide your venture with a legal status. Apply to the right departments and address the legal components of a business

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Fresh4 Freshens Hollywood

Monday, June 11, 2012

Attention Business Owners...SEO Special this week!

J&E consulting will be doing a special on SEO services this week. Get locked in by Friday, and receive a 15% discount.

If you currently are working with an SEO company, send us your invoice and we will match everything you are doing + you will get 25% off your monthly invoice!

Call 215-609-0122

Friday, June 8, 2012

The journey is the reward...some inspiration for today...

The truth is, going against the internal stream of ignorance is way more rebellious than trying to start some sort of cultural revolution.”

Zen Proverbs

  • Move and the way will open
  • From the withered tree, a flower blooms
  • Be master of mind rather than mastered by mind
  • Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water
  • The infinite is in the finite of every instant
  • When walking, walk. When eating, eat

 Lao Tzu Quotes

  • The journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step
  • A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving
  • An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox
  • Anticipate the difficult by managing the easy
  • Be the chief but never the lord
  • Because of a great love, one is courageous
  • Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage
  • From caring comes courage
  • Great acts are made up of small deeds
  • He who conquers others is strong; He who conquers himself is mighty
  • He who does not trust enough, Will not be trusted
  • He who is contented is rich
  • He who knows himself is enlightened
  • He who knows others is wise. He who knows himself is enlightened
  • He who knows that enough is enough will always have enough
  • He who talks more is sooner exhausted
  • Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment
  • Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it
  • Silence is a source of great strength
  • To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Read the comments on youtube...Crazy

This is just crazy!

Quality Vs Bottom Line

Throughout our journey of entrepreneurship an interesting issue keeps coming up. We understand investors want to make a profit. Of course, that's why they invest in businesses. However seldom have we had investors that are interested in the quality of our beers. Most are only concerned with the bottom line, how much they will make and when they will see their profit. This is not always the case, but it is in a lot of cases. We understand that investors want to make sure the product will make money but some investors don't even want to try our beer. Other investors of course are all about the quality (which is of course the best you will ever drink).

So what is your experience? Is it the bottom line, quality, or both? What really matters to you as an investor?

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

transform useless indes into innovation

You ideas are probably worthless because they consist of little more than random, incomplete thoughts that exist outside a framework for execution. The reason all your great ideas haven’t amounted to enough to buy a cup of coffee is because you don’t understand the difference between ideas and innovation. Disruptive innovation is rarely as simple as raw genius that bubbles-up. Most often innovation is the culmination of several things: a sound idea, vetted through great process, refined by innovative application, and brought to market by outstanding leadership. The difference between an idea and innovation is execution – don’t be the “idea” person, be the innovator.
It is my hope to help dispel the myth that ideas are inherently good things. Let me state right from the outset that I place little value on ideas. Not only do raw ideas have little intrinsic value, but they are often very costly. While I stipulate to the fact ideas can sometimes lead to great things, I also submit it is more frequently the case that ideas lead to distraction, disappointment, and even outright disaster. Those of you familiar with my work are probably wondering if it is really me authoring this text – if you’re baffled at how a champion of innovation can simultaneously be an idea-basher, I urge you to read on, and I promise the congruity will become apparent.
I want to start by actually defining what an idea is, and is not. Ideas do not constitute a philosophy, principle, or strategy. An idea is not synonymous with a competitive advantage, an idea is not necessarily a sign of creativity, an idea does not constitute innovation, and as much as some people wish it was so, an idea is certainly not a business. To the chagrin of many reading this post, ideas in and of themselves are nothing more than unrefined, random thoughts. Ideas on their own accord are really quite useless. The truth can often times be harsh and difficult to hear, but it is nonetheless the truth.
Ideas are a dime a dozen. If you take a moment and reflect on all the ideas you’ve spawned over the years, or the many ideas that have been birthed by your friends, family, and professional associates, you’ll quickly see most of them never achieved lift-off. The problem is most ideas never get implemented, and moreover, even the best ideas when improperly implemented can cause great harm. While creativity is clearly a valuable asset, unbridled creativity where random, disparate ideas abound outside of a sound decisioning and execution framework will create distraction and chaos much more often than they will lead to innovation.
In fact, it is most often the organizations that demonstrate a “heard mentality” when rushing to adopt the latest ideas which are the farthest thing from being innovative. The net result of being a late stage trend follower is that you’ll likely experience little more than yet another in a long line of great adventures which end in frustration due to the time wasted and the investment squandered.  The reality is that many businesses are quick to recognize great ideas, but they often have no plan for how to successfully integrate them into their business model.
My advice to you is not to let your business get caught up in embracing random ideas – at least not without some initial analysis being conducted to determine the likelihood of success. Failed initiatives are costly at several levels. Aside from draining financial resources, a flawed execution can cast doubt on management credibility, have a negative impact on morale, taint the brand, adversely affect external relationships, and cause a variety of other problems for your business.
Every sound business initiative begins with a vision accompanied by a solid strategic plan. However while most anyone can cobble together a high level vision , very few can author a strategy that can be successfully implemented. In order for your enterprise to turn an idea into a monetizing and/or value creating event you should develop a strategic plan that attempts to measure the idea against the following 15 elements:
1. Framework: The idea should be generated within a solid framework for decisioning. It should be developed as a solution to a problem or to exploit an opportunity. The idea should be in alignment with the overall vision and mission of the enterprise. Ideas which linger outside of a framework usually die a slow and painful death.
2. Advantage: If the idea doesn’t provide a unique competitive advantage it should at least bring you closer to an even playing field. That said, the best initiatives don’t level the field, they tilt the field in your favor.
3. Alignment: Any new idea should preferably add value to existing initiatives, and if not, it should show a significant enough return on investment to justify the dilutive effect of not keeping the main thing the main thing. Sailing into a “blue ocean” is only a good thing if you eventually reach your destination. It doesn’t matter if your ocean is blue if you remain lost at sea.
4. Assess: Put the idea through a risk/reward and cost/benefit analysis. Calculated risks are fine so long as you’ve actually done the calculations.
5. Simple: Whether the new idea is intended for your organization, vendors, suppliers, partners or customers it must easy to use. Usability drives adoptability, and therefore it pays to keep things simple.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Prosperity and Purpose

 …prosperity should never be an end in itself, but merely a means to some wholesome purpose.
It is important to note that the freedom the Buddha offered to become as prosperous as possible hinges on two conditions. First, one must follow certain guidelines in endeavoring to become prosperous. Second, one must use wealth properly. Unless these two conditions are met, one’s immense wealth would never gain the Buddha’s praise — thus the “boundless freedom” to become wealthy relates to the quantity of wealth, not to the means used to accumulate it. On the other hand, prosperity should never be an end in itself, but merely a means to some wholesome purpose.
Indicating both the individual freedom to be prosperous and the importance of using that freedom correctly, the Buddha said:
What is atthi sukkha [the happiness of possessing wealth]?
A certain person accumulates great wealth and property through fair means and rights effort and thinks, “now I have wealth; now I have properly gathered through fair means.”
In thinking so, that person experiences happiness and satisfaction. This is what I call atthi sukkha.
Individual prosperity is clearly supported, as long as the layperson employs “fair means and right effort.”

Monday, June 4, 2012

5 Leadership Behaviors Loyal Employees Trust

All great leaders know getting there is the challenge, of course. Here are 5 behaviors for leaders and hiring managers to adopt when struggling to keep employees happy and loyal:
1) Tell the truth. Not everyone is a star. Pick out those with leadership or other valued talent potential and nurture them. This will come back to the business as these individuals, in turn, nurture other workers.

2) Communicate roles and responsibilities. Provide a path to success not only for those with leadership promise but for all employees. Sometimes this will mean difficult changes, but remember the most important skill of a leader: never surprise an employee with bad news. Have a development plan for all, and a get-well plan for those whose performance lags. Make sure everyone knows the plan.
3) Create a workplace culture that values real people relationships. For many employees, workgroup relationships and relationships between managers and workers drive engagement and loyalty more effectively than foosball machines, logo T-shirts, and Thirsty Thursday gatherings.

4) Be fair and open. This does not mean treat everyone equally – it means have transparent processes for managing and leading. Employees are more likely to respond positively to change when the process used to manage change is fair.
5) Model the behaviors you seek. Just as the headmaster at the high school did, accept your responsibility as a leader and act with engagement, commitment and responsibility. Do this every day.
Each of us possesses skills, strengths, talents and flaws. Each of us seeks to belong, to be engaged, to relate to those around us. Loyalty is built on relationships, shared understanding and trust. Engagement and commitment require loyalty, shared goals and fair treatment. Don’t take loyalty and engagement for granted – create a remarkable culture where there are possible and rewarding outcomes of the workplace.
We are only human after all – Every one of us. Every leader. Every brand. Every workplace. Every person.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Enjoy Your Friday!

Everything in the universe dances in rhythm with deep purpose: One invisible intelligence flowing through all & connecting all purposefully! 

View all problems as challenges.
Look upon negativities that arise as opportunities to learn and to grow.
Don't run from them, condemn yourself, or bury your burden in saintly silence.
You have a problem? Great.
More grist for the mill. Rejoice, dive in, and investigate.
Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, "Mindfulness in Plain English"