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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Free Consultation

Google book

Containing 21,000 common words found in most dictionaries, UK-based artists Felix Hayes and Ben West have compiled images that are the topmost Google image search for the accompanying words when searched for using the powerful internet sleuthing tool. Comprised of JPGs, GIFs and PNGs, the alphabetical pictorial book spans over 1,240 pages. In speaking about the project West commented, “It’s really an unfiltered, uncritical record of the state of human culture in 2012. I would estimate about half of the book is revolting medical photos, porn, racism or bad cartoons.”

Get Found locally with SEO

Recent local search market studies show that 89% of consumers who use Internet search engines to find a local services or product follow up with a phone call or in-store visit. And 65% of those end up making their purchase offline. As a small localized services business owner, that means you can no longer afford to take your chances with traditional off line advertising mediums such as direct mailers or yellow pages ads , etc that may or may not be working.

Local SEO Services differs from national SEO Campaign in the sense that a local marketing campaign is designed almost exclusively around local keyword identifiers, such as city names, region names, state names, and so forth. So if a searcher types in “custom homes Houston”, up comes a results page full of…custom home builders in Philadelphia. You will also notice that the results showed only custom home builders in Philadelphia , That’s what makes local SEO Services different. It allows you to advertise exclusively to people searching for products or services in your local geographic few zip code market area.

Call us today for a FREE local SEO marketing Campaign analysis for your business @ 215-609-0122 .

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Brand Marketing Through Social Media Networks

For some home based business owners, brand marketing seems to be a very “corporate” term. Although how corporate and how professional this may sound, it plays a crucial role even to those small businesses, and can even be more important to larger ones. Building your name or brand in your particular industry can be a great way towards your business success. It is considered to be every business key towards more sales and revenues.

Social Media Network
When it comes to brand marketing, there are different methods, and each technique is unique in their own single way. Deciding on which method to use is the first step that every business owner has to take in order to start the process and make sure that it will end up successfully.
Today, one of the most popular methods of brand marketing is by participating actively in different social media networks. Have you noticed that almost all websites and businesses have their own Facebook page, or Twitter account? This is one of their methods of being seen online, and these companies are currently trying to build a name in the industry.
This mentioned method is popular and is preferred by most companies because social media networks are where most internet users are. There is no question about it majority of individuals who use the internet spend two hours or more daily (on the average) on these social media networks. This is why companies take advantage of this opportunity provided and have seen that brand marketing will be more effective through these social media networking websites.
When it comes to social media networks, or even other brand marketing strategies, the first thing and the most important thing that you have to remember is this: you are not selling any product, or you are not promoting any type of services. Instead, you must work on selling yourself (or your own company) so people can realize and actually understand who you are, and what other officers you are offering.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Happ Memorial Day...See ya Tuesday

Before we celebrate the unofficial start of summer, the summer beer drinking season, the first days at the beach, cookouts, family and friends, we need to pause and reflect on the reason for this long holiday weekend and remember those who served their country giving up their lives or part of their lives so the rest of us might have a weekend like the one that begins today. No words better embody the feeling for Memorial Day more than those of the Gettysburg Address. I send it to you all as I remember Memorial Day and the service of my Dad, John W Krawczyk, who served with the Calvary Division in the Vietnam War and all those others who gave so much to defend our country. Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this. But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate -- we can not consecrate -- we can not hallow -- this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us -- that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion -- that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain -- that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom -- and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

Philly ths Memorial Day Weekend

For an awesome time i recommend the Piazza at Schmidt's. Stop by and see me, I'll be there all day Saturday.

Check out whats going on

Sixers vs Celtics Game 7

Come out and #showyaluv as the Philadelphia 76ers take on the Boston Celtics in game 7!  The game will be on the Jumbotron!
**Game time TBD
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

P90x Summer Workout Series

FREE P90x Summer Workout Series at The Piazza at Schmidt's!  Registration and check in start at 9:30 AM, with the workout starting at 10:00 AM!  Come hang out with Team Beachbody, and get yourself in shape!
Series dates:
May 26 & 27
June 30 & July 1
July 21 & July 22
August 25 & 26
September 29 & 30
** The Bazaar at The Piazza follows each workout session!
12:00 PM - 6:00 AM

The Bazaar at The Piazza at Schmidts

 The Bazaar at The Piazza at Schmidts transforms The Piazza into a bustling marketplace!
7:15 PM

Phillies vs Cardinals

Join us to watch the Phillies game on the Jumbotron at The Piazza at Schmidts!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Water that freshens breath??

FRESH4 has made a breakthrough in beverage technology. This new line of beverages is cutting edge people will be talking about it for years.

This is the first line of beverages that freshens your breath. Once you try it you wont believe what happens next. From the moment you take a sip of Fresh 4, our active secret formula begins to go to work.


Our product freshens breath from the inside out and works on ONION BREATH, GARLIC BREATH, TUNA FISH BREATH, MORNING BREATH, CIGARETTE & CIGAR BREATH and almost
any other type of bad breath. We challenge you to take the FRESH4 Challenge!

Not only does it freshen your breath but our unique blend of
natural secret ingredients also tastes amazing. Once you try it,
you won’t be able to stop until you finish. It’s that good! Fresh
4 offers 9 different mouth watering flavors that wont hurt the
waistline. Our line of waters ranges from zero to two calories
per eight ounce serving.

A lesson in Economics 101

A decline in economic activity (GDP) increases unemployment and reduces tax receipts. This can easily become a vicious cycle. In times of economic weakness governments typically step up spending to help account for the decline in consumer consumption. This is what we are doing in the US and thus the mounting deficits. The euro zone countries do not have the privilege of printing money to prop up their economies. The trick for a government is to borrow as little money as possible to get GDP moving higher. Higher output from the economy leads to more tax receipts that ARE SUPPOSED to be used to pay back the loans taken out to jump-start the economy.

If this doesnt intrigue you nothing will...

I cam across this video you gotta check this out, this company claims their drink freshens your breath and gives you energy. This is the most unique idea i have ever seen. i thought i would share it with you as it seems it may have some other benefits as well.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Keep your business local

As a small business person, have you ever had someone tell you they purchased a product or service that you provide somewhere else?  How did it feel?  Why did it happen? You thought that person was a loyal customer.  Or maybe they've never done business with you before but they know you.  They live in your town, and they know about your business.  So why didn't you get a shot at selling them something?

Your greatest competition is from large retailers and franchises.  I think most people have the perception that they get a better deal at a so called discount store.  Do you agree?  Most often these stores aren't even in your town.  So why did your customer buy somewhere else?  Was it because they have the store's credit card?  Did they receive a special discount notification or coupon in the mail, email, or text?   Did they make a spontaneous purchase?

These are the types of  marketing challenges you face every day.  How can you keep this from happening?  How can you convince your current customers or potential clients to look to you first for the best deal or the best buying experience.  You probably live local to your business.  You contribute to local charities.  You probably support various local groups and belong to a business organization.  Do your clients know it?  Do they know that when they do business with you that they are in turn helping to support their community.

As a small business owner, how can you keep business local?  How can you help reinforce your local supply chain.  Challenge your competition by marketing your business with a mobile app and mobile website. Send your customers email and text messages.  Deliver your marketing message as often as you like with business updates, sales events, coupons, and notifications of special events.

Keep your social media sites updated, create a blog about a favorite hobby or your expertise in a particular field.  Let people know what your business is up too.  Display photos and provide information about you, your employees and your business.  Monitor the usage of your mobile website and app on a daily basis.

How many of your sales people are ramping up, in the sweet spot, or in decline?

Sports coaching, at the highest level, is a fickle business. Career coaches, who win more, year-in, year-out, do a consistently better job of managing a diverse group of athletes, of differing ability, at different stages of their playing careers. In doing so, they create and then extend peak performance amongst the entire squad. Similarly, as organisations search for solutions that create and extend periods of top and bottom-line growth, progressive sales leaders are actively using performance data to manage across an employee lifecycle that is very peculiar to sales.

- how do you set 'breakpoints' between the ramp up, sweet spot, and decline phases, so as to performance manage too hard on-target and revenue objectives that are tenure specific?
- how can sales leaders minimise ramp-up time, maximise the sweet spot and eliminate decline?
- how do you re-focus the organisation's capability and performance improvement initiatives on broadening each end of the sweet spot?

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5 Management Lessons

1. Hold your Nerve: We are not talking about how IPL sells Sex. You might have experienced  a lot of last ball thrillers this IPL. In the last week’s clash between KKR vs. CSK, Bravo hit a last ball six and sealed a dramatic victory against KKR Know More about this story

Lesson 1: In such type of situations it is very important that you are calm and focused on the ultimate goal because sometimes its what you do in the end makes the difference between victory and defeat. Be positive and expect the last ball will be most favorable. Be in a frame of mind to hit a six if needed for the victory.

2. A Start Studded Team doesn’t matter: The winners of the first IPL season were Rajasthan Royals. In the beginning of the tournament they were considered the weakest team. They did not have a lot of stars to their name. However, contrary to image they had in the beginning of the season RR built up an impressive 11-3 record in the 14 match league, and then went all the way through to become the champions of IPL 1 Know More about this story.

Lesson 2: Do not be prejudiced by star presence.  Give chance to the newbies. There are things that can be done in a better way by them. The underdogs most of the times have bigger fires in their bellies which can also drive you to victory.

3. An All Rounder Performance: It is important that one excels in more than one area. A classic example of this is Sourav Ganguly’s performance in the Pune vs. Delhi match, where the skipper gave an all-rounder performance and made the team victorious in a big way. Know More about this story

Lesson 3: I said it before and I say it again that companies these days are positively biased towards an all-rounder employee; one who can handle multiple tasks and still achieve the target. Do not be reluctant in showcasing the different skills you have. You will be awarded proportionately.

4. Choose your Leader wisely: We saw in IPL season 2, Royal Challengers Bangalore started with an awful performance. But once Rahul Dravid took over the captaincy, the team’s performance took a 360-degree turn and ended their IPL 2 journey being the runners up of the tournament. Know more about this story

Lesson 4: The leader should be capable of handling team and not be afraid to try out new ideas and strategies when the other ones are not working out.

5. Celebrate your Success no matter how small: Why are there cheerleaders in IPL, because it’s important to celebrate your victories.  Whenever the player hits a four or a six, there is a small celebration to it.

Lesson 5: It doesn’t matter if the victory is big or small, what matters is that you relish it and also that you celebrate it no matter how small.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Classic Marketing Consulting Fail: “What We Got Here is a Failure to Implement”

If you’re old enough to remember the classic movie, Cool Hand Luke, there’s a moment when a rebellious prisoner played by a young Paul Newman refuses to “go along” with prison rules despite some grueling punishment. The warden, played by Strother Martin, made the famous observation about a lack of communication.
The failure to communicate is probably the most important cause of failure with client and internet marketing consultant relationships. Everything from managing expectations to performance reporting are affected. One of the most common outcomes from a lack of communication in a consulting engagement is the failure to implement.

Tweet This: What’s worse than bad social SEO advice? Failure to implement the good advice that gets results.

There are many reasons for a failure of implementation when it comes to online marketing tactics and the fault lies both with consultants and client side marketers alike. Here are a few common reasons for each. Hopefully you can identify whether your situation falls into one of these categories so you can avoid wasting time, money and lost revenue growth for all.
Marketing Consultant Implementation Fails:
  • Selling Incomplete Expertise – Not understanding what it really takes to implement a certain type of consulting can result in the agency not properly preparing the client for what their obligations are for successful implementation. “Fake it til you make it” is a common practice with consultants and agencies breaking into new areas (like all the SEOs getting into content marketing now or PR/Ad/Interactive agencies getting into SEO a few years back) and a common casualty is the inability to follow through.
    Lesson: Consultants need to develop processes for new areas of expertise, bring in outside consultants to build the practice area expertise and be up front with potential clients to ensure adaptability and to manage expectations. The other lesson is to simply not over-state capabilities and sell things you don’t know how to do.
  • Failure to Assess Capabilities – A review of both internal and client side responsibilities for successful implementation is critical. A company that says they want to develop a content marketing strategy and hires a consultant who says yes without identifying the company has no intention of hiring writers or tasking employees with content creation is a major fail for all.
    Lesson: Understand the essential processes and tasks involved with new consulting engagments and identify the capabilities of anyone at the company who may be potentially involved with implementation. Confirm in the agreement who will do what and what is expected.
  • Failure to QA & Manage Tasks – While many client and consulting engagements begin with good intentions all around, projects that take months for discovery, strategy and implementation can go off track if they are not managed properly.
    Lesson: Consultants must manage and share a timeline. They must also require time to oversee implementation and ongoing QA of content, SEO and social consulting implementation because it is inevitable that client staff or other consultants will implement partially, differently than intended or overwrite good work 6 months down the road.
Client Side Marketer Implementation Fails:
  • Lack of Consultant & Tactical Due Diligence – Companies that hire consultants will get more value for their investment when they have some awareness of how the tactics they’re hiring for actually work. Too often companies hire social media “brandividuals” or chase after a shiny social media object tactic without really having an idea of how things fit in their marketing plan.
    Lesson: Either some effort is put forth to gather that knowledge through internal efforts or education is made part of the consulting engagement.  In particular, SEO and social media brandividuals and hot social apps in the press need to be vetted for real-world expertise, experience and practical application for the business.
  • Mis-Alignment of KPIs vs Business Goals – Imagine a company hiring a consultant to grow a Facebook fan page to 10,000 fans. The consultant delivers. But then the company fires the consultant because revenue didn’t increase.
    Lesson:  A responsible marketer should identify measurement goals that account for progress AND business outcomes. Consultants can view a goal like fans, followers or rankings as easy money but the connection to business value must be made. This one is on both client and consultant. Corporate marketers must be able to answer “why” when they identify performance measures that do not have a direct impact on business objectives.
  • Lack of Influence and Internal Support – Ambitious marketing managers who have become aware and educated about the significant impact of an integrated SEO, Social Media and Content Marketing program may get budget to hire a consultant only to discover that PR, Social, Content, Legal, HR and other parties that need to be involved are “not on board” with key implementation approvals and tasks.
    Lesson: As research is conducted into what is involved with bringing an outside consultant into the mix, it’s important that client side marketers map out who they will need to work with internally to get tasks implemented. The time to grow that internal network of “friendlies” should begin long before the engagement begins.  Identify how those peers will benefit from participation and cooperation with your consulting investment. Make sure they have a clear picture of the benefits for themselves, their group/department and the organization overall.
Of course there are more ways to fail internet marketing consulting implementation than the short lists above, but the key is responsibility about capabilities, planning, managing expectations, allocating appropriate resources and most of all: communication.
It takes two to tango and if a consultant is involved it will inevitably be deemed the consltants fault. That’s why it’s essential for online marketing consultants to properly identify key characteristics of companies that are capable of implementing or able to adapt or adjust to enable proper implementation. In the end, we all want a 360 degree win and that requires better communication during prospecting, kickoff, engagement and with ongoing consulting.
If you’re a corporate marketer, what are some of the fails you’ve seen from consultants that have caused failures of marketing implementation?   Your turn consultants: What implementation fails have you experienced and how did you overcome them?